11th January 2022
OSP becomes CO2 neutral
OSP has determined its Germany-wide CO2 footprint for the first time for the calendar year 2020 and is thus advancing its claim to strengthen sustainability in retail and logistics.
The calculation serves as a basis for creating the greatest possible transparency about our own environmental impact as an IT and software company, for further reducing negative effects where possible, and for assuming our own ecological and social responsibility to an even greater extent.
Together with atmosfair gGmbH, OSP also developed a compensation project for previously unavoidable CO2 emissions and is henceforth considered a CO2 neutral company.
Thus, OSP is already making its contribution to the Otto Group's goal of having its own business operations climate neutral by 2030.
In order to follow a holistic approach, the compensation of unavoidable CO2 emissions is also being implemented at the international OSP sites in Madrid and Taipei.